Located in the courtyard of the Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, this gigantic tree, known as the oldest tree in Cyprus at over 720 years old, is a natural wonder that has witnessed many events throughout history. According to botanical experts, this tree was planted around 720 years ago, the same year that the construction of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas began, and has survived ever since.
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The Origin and Characteristics of the Cumbez Tree
This tree, known as Ficus sycomorus, is known by different names among the people. Cümbez, known as Pharaoh fig or mulberry fig, is also known by this name by Turkish Cypriots. Originating from Africa, this tropical fig tree grows in a wide geography from the Sahel region to the Tropic of Capricorn and dates back to ancient times.
The strong trunk of the tree grows from the union of small roots, while the branches emerge from the massive roots to form an imposing structure. According to local belief, the seven branches on this tree represent each hundred years and signify the tree's long history.
Jumbez in Mythology and the Bible
The Cumbez tree also has an important place in Christianity. Mentioned seven times in the Bible, in the Old Testament and once in the New Testament, this tree carries a spiritual meaning. According to botanists, the Cümbez tree sheds its leaves in the winter months and seems to die, but in the spring it comes back to life and provides shade for visitors.
Witness to History Cümbez Tree
Cümbez, the oldest living creature in Cyprus, has witnessed the history of the island. It is the silent witness of many important events from the Lusignan knights to the Ottoman conquest, from earthquakes to the 1974 Peace Operation. The roots and branches of the tree have been a part of this historical process for centuries.
Hugging the Jumbez Tree: Health and Energy
The Cümbez tree stands out not only for its historical significance, but also for its health benefits. According to research, hugging trees increases the hormone oxytocin in the body, reduces stress and makes us feel happier in general. It is also known by locals that hugging the Cümbez tree draws negative energy from the body and transforms it into positive energy.
Visit the Cümbez Tree in Famagusta
Listed on the National Heritage List of the Department of Culture and protected by the Famagusta Forestry Department, this monumental tree is a must-see natural wonder for tourists visiting Cyprus. When you are in Famagusta, don't forget to visit this unique tree, take a selfie with it and share it on social media! You can also hug the Cümbez tree to contribute to your health and refresh your energy.
You can make your vacation much more enjoyable with the positive energy you get from this magnificent tree!