Speaking Cypriot unique With a Cypriot accent is characterized. This dialect is full of words and phrases that are unique to Cyprus. Cypriots maintain the cultural richness of the island by using these words in their daily lives. Cypriot Turkish draws attention with both its similarity to Turkish and its unique expressions. Here are some words used in Cyprus dialect and their meanings:
Table of Contents
- 1 Cyprus Turkish Dictionary
- 1.1 Words Starting with the Letter A
- 1.2 Words Starting with the Letter B
- 1.3 Words Starting with the Letters C and Ç
- 1.4 Words Starting with the Letter D
- 1.5 Words Starting with the Letters E and F
- 1.6 Words Starting with the Letter G
- 1.7 Words Starting with the Letter H
- 1.8 Words Starting with the Letters I and I
- 1.9 Words Starting with the Letter K
- 1.10 Words Starting with the Letter L
- 1.11 Words Starting with the Letter M
- 1.12 Words Starting with the Letter N
- 1.13 Words Starting with the Letter O
- 1.14 Words Starting with the Letter Ö
- 1.15 Words Starting with the Letter P
- 1.16 Words Starting with the Letter R
- 1.17 Words Starting with the Letter S
- 1.18 Words Starting with the Letter S
- 1.19 Words Starting with the Letter T
- 1.20 Words Starting with the Letter V
- 1.21 Words Starting with the Letter Y
- 1.22 Words Starting with the Letter Z
- 2 Daily Conversation in Cypriot Dialect
- 3 Cultural Importance of the Cyprus Dialect
Cyprus Turkish Dictionary
Understanding the words commonly used in the Cypriot dialect is very important to grasp the subtleties of this language. Below you will find a list of words that are unique to Cyprus.
Words Starting with the Letter A
- Agsona: Dingil.
- Alina: Hindi.
- Alizavra: Sky Green (Lizard).
- Argaci: Small waterway.
- Ariya: Drill.
- Arsanafiligo: An androgynous person.
- Asvalya: Insurance.
- Courtyard: Garden.
- Ayrelli: Asparagus.
Words Starting with the Letter B
- Babavura: Ladybug.
- Babuc/Babic: Pabuç.
- Babutsa: Prickly fig.
- Bango: Bench
- Bandofla: Slippers.
- Badadez: Potatoes.
- Barra: Slang for a wooden pole or to get rid of someone.
- Basadembo: Salted pumpkin seeds.
- Bandabulya: Municipal Market.
- Basbalya: Slap.
- Basdish: Bitter almond cookies.
- Batsali: A type of poisonous snake.
- Bavuri: Flask, small canister.
- Bas: Bus.
- Bariya: Friends group.
- Bavuri: Bidon.
- Belesbit: Cycling.
- Belo: Breaking dog.
- Beytambal gals: I'll leave it incomplete.
- Betsi: Flat sponge or absorbent cloth.
- Bitda: Börek.
- Birceğez: One.
- Biddaga: Yayvan.
- Pipe: Korna.
- Bodiri: Small glass (or short person).
- Bondoboxy: A person of short stature.
- Bögün: Today.
- Bögüce: Tonight.
- Buncachcik: Tiny.
- Bullez: Jerusalem artichoke.
- Bulli: Chicken.
- Bullim: It is also used in the sense of dear.
- Bullo: Bird, in general.
- Burasda: Here.
Words Starting with the Letters C and Ç
- Cira: Mrs. Rum.
- Cirilene: Rolling.
- Cigla: Thrush.
- Cizro (Zirziro): Cicada.
- Çakizdez: Salted crushed green olives.
Words Starting with the Letter D
- Dari: Egypt.
- Deplek: Darbuka.
- Della: Thick and colorful packing tape.
- Dirifil: Yonca.
- Ditsiro: Poor, weak.
- Domadez: Tomatoes
- Rudder: Steering wheel.
Words Starting with the Letters E and F
- Sour: Limon.
- Fanella: Fanila.
- Fago: People with severe visual impairment.
- Fasariya: Unnecessary things.
- Fica: Yosun.
- Fortigo: Truck.
Words Starting with the Letter G
- Gargling: Rinsing in the mouth.
- Garyola: Bed.
- Galles: Kalleş.
- Galif: A shed, usually built on the roof of a house.
- Gabbar: Capers.
- Gancelli: Garden gate.
- Garacocco: Black sesame seeds.
- Gave: Coffee.
- Gavro: Wrench in the shape of a crab or crow's nose.
- Golo: Ass.
- Golifa: A traditional food mixed with boiled wheat and sesame seeds, almonds, raisins.
- Garavulli: Snail.
Words Starting with the Letter H
- Hasba: Shut up.
- Harnip: Carob.
- Hade: Come on.
- Hachan da: So soon!
- Hachana five?: How many times?
- Haksilo: Shut up.
- Hacina: Intermediary.
- Hollo: A ghost or a fool.
Words Starting with the Letters I and I
- Ispaho: Thin rope.
- Isbano: Corner.
- Isbasdra: A playing card or game.
- Isgonto: Cheapness.
- Isbirto: Matches or pure alcohol.
- Isdavroz: Cross.
Words Starting with the Letter K
- Kakdirmak: Push.
- Inlay: Kick.
- Kerata: Naughty boy.
- Culled: Community.
Words Starting with the Letter L
- Lapsana: Edible weed.
- Lashga: Loose.
- Lamarina: Hair.
- Lamicana: Water bottle.
- Lera: Pis.
- Lenger: Kova.
- Leymonatda: Limonata.
- Letsa: Fat that is unwanted in the human body.
- Lingiri: A game played with sticks.
- Loddo: An overweight person.
- Lollo: Shaklaban.
Words Starting with the Letter M
- Maxil: Crop.
- Ma: The word for starting a sentence.
- Managul: Nail polish.
- Dairy: Covered barn.
- Mangos: Fierce.
- Magarına bulli: Pasta and chicken.
- Putty: Jam.
- Marmaragi: Marble.
- Mismıl: Quality.
- Manamu: Poor thing.
- Mujendra: Pilaf with green lentils.
Words Starting with the Letter N
- Napang?: How are you?
Words Starting with the Letter O
- Orashda: There.
- Osdo yüro: To turn without stopping.
Words Starting with the Letter Ö
- The other day: The day before yesterday.
Words Starting with the Letter P
- Pataniya: Blanket.
- Pasedembo: Pumpkin seeds.
- Paneri: Wicker tray.
- Pasdelli: Sesame dessert.
- Patariya: Battery.
- Penna: Ballpoint pen.
- Piron: Fork.
- Piskot: Biscuit.
- Pensa: Pliers.
Words Starting with the Letter R
- Renga: Scented herring.
Words Starting with the Letter S
- Seki: Step.
- Sakgulli: Torba.
- Sakgo: Mont.
- Solina: Boru.
- Susta: Yay.
- Siribilla: Chicken droppings.
- Stekka: Billiard cue.
Words Starting with the Letter S
- Shafk: Light.
- Shiro: Bulldozer with bucket.
Words Starting with the Letter T
- Tapba lamarina: Going too fast.
- Tayka: Minutes.
- Boat: Evye.
- Trabez: Dining table.
Words Starting with the Letter V
- Van: Pickup truck.
- Vordo Vosgo Guello: Stupid.
- Valvid: Subap.
Words Starting with the Letter Y
- Yusufcuk: Mandarin.
- Yüro: Return.
Words Starting with the Letter Z
- Zeflemek: To mock.
- Ziligurti: Shut up.
- Zibil: Garbage.
- Zivaniya: A drink made from high alcohol grapes.
Daily Conversation in Cypriot Dialect
The Cypriot dialect is not just about words; it also includes many everyday expressions that reflect the cultural makeup of the island. For example, the expression "Gel be bura" means "Come here" and is quite common. The word "Bögün" means "today" and is frequently used in the Cypriot dialect.
Cypriots use their dialect in a humorous tone in their speech, reflecting the warm and friendly nature of the island. For example, the phrase "Osdo yüro" means "to go round and round" and is often used in humorous situations.
Cultural Importance of the Cyprus Dialect
The Cypriot dialect is considered an important element that keeps the history and cultural identity of the island alive. By keeping this language alive in their daily lives, the people of the island carry the multicultural structure and history of Cyprus to the future through language. The maintenance of the Cypriot dialect, especially by the younger generations, is of great importance in terms of preserving the cultural richness of the island.